How Do I Find a Child I Placed for Adoption?

Are you a birth mother searching for your son or daughter whom you placed for adoption? If you are, then you have come to the right place. If you have come here, chances are, you need assistance in finding your child. For many years, adoptions were primarily closed adoptions, which limited contact between adoptive families and birth mothers. Depending on how much time has passed since your child was placed for adoption, it may be difficult to obtain any records, but it is still possible. 

Typically, a birth mother searching for her child has an easier time than an adopted child searching for his or her birth mother. To begin your search, contact the people who helped facilitate your adoption. These could include a lawyer, an agency, or even a social worker. These people will probably have some records like the adoptive family’s last name, an old address for the family, etc. These people can even help by contacting the family to ask if they are interested in having contact. 

The next step to take in your search process is to research your state’s regulations about adoption records because some states have sealed records to protect the privacy of those involved in the adoption. You can always contact the county clerk to obtain any records outside of the agency that you worked with. After you have obtained as much information as you could, you will want to register with an online reunion registry. Once you have registered, the registry will notify you if your child registers to find you, though he or she may already be registered. In order to be successful with the reunion registry, you will both have to be registered, but it always a good idea to cast as wide a net as possible. As you embark on this search, I want you to remember that not all children can be found, but it is possible. I hope you find success with your search.

Your first step in your search and reunion journey is to register in’s Reunion Registry.